Welcome in my World
I am an artist and poet with a different origin who calls Holland home, where my art and poetry have blossomed and evolved. My paintings reflect my fascination with space and time, while my poems explore themes of love, emotion, and the human experience. My art and writing invite the viewer to connect with their own emotions and find beauty in the everyday. Through my work, I seek to inspire others to embrace their creativity and find joy in self-expression.

- Happy -
I am happy for countless reasons,
Grateful for the gift of life, health, and friends.
I see the gray-green mountains rise,
Hear the blue river's flow, a soothing surprise.
A warm ray of sunshine touches my skin,
I embrace the new day that begins.
Waking to the storm's loud refrain,
Birds upon my windowsill, chirping songs of joy and pain.
Stories from around the world they share,
Of lives lived, loves lost, and dreams laid bare. People come and go, life carries on,
In every passing moment, I find my song.
I cherish life, with all its highs and lows,
For every experience, my gratitude grows.
And so I say with love and might,
"I love you, life, with all your light."

- Existence -
With age came experience and fresh,
A book of life, filled with reflections various. Youth, an energy free and bold,
Fades to a decade's tales yet untold.
Temptations rise and tastes evolve,
Each phase a transformation of our resolve. Mistakes open gates, a consequence born,
From weakness and stupidity, lessons are shorn.
Yet, one truth remains, held sacred in the night, It's never too late to change, to seek the light. Construct the best version of yourself add a page to your own life's book, placed on the shelf.
Each chapter, a challenge, a chance to grow. Creating a life story where inner wisdom flows. Embrace the change and journey's twirl, For in this dance, we create a meaningful pearl.

- The Invisible -
Memories from youth, a young man, when the world was modest and no one cared. Morality was in its place.
At the campfire we were all like brothers and sisters a friend brought a guitar and we played the blues together.
Our song was the anthem of our great friendship, which kept us together for better and for worse. But times have changed and the world is no longer the same.
Now our dreams have come true, some have more, others less, jealousy awakens different feelings in us.
The world has gone mad, the thread has snapped. We are not the same anymore.
No one sits around the fire anymore, and neighbors no longer recognize each other. Shared memories that were then a song and its value could not be bought.
Now the silence writes its own script, and we disappear with a gust of wind.

"I am my own ambassador, and the mirror before me holds my stories." Philosophy of my thoughts.

Lucky Number Eight --->

My treasures are not material possessions, but the priceless values that guide my actions and shape my character.

On your journey, stay true to yourself, Follow your path, And remember, this life is your only chance to live, grow, and thrive. Seize each day, With courage, hope, and grace, For in the end, It's the path you take, That shapes your destiny.

- The Serpent's Temptation -
The serpent sits upon my shoulder, tempting me,
A whisper in my head, seeking seize control.
My ego coils, constricting, as I start to fold.
I fade in and out of existence, weakened by its toll.
A battle rages deep within, between the dark and light.
My inner strength wavers, eclipsed by encroaching night.
But in the depths, a spark remains, defiant in its glow.
The will to overcome the shadows, to rise above the foe.
I reach within myself, grasping for the fading flame.
My heart, a beacon guiding me, through the darkness, I came.
Though shadows linger at the edges, I choose the path of light,
To cast away the serpent's hold and reclaim my inner might.
- Through Darkness Light -
The Devil, a sly salesman, smooth and sleek,
Tempted me with promises, but I wouldn't speak.
His words like honey, his charm like a drug,
But my faith remained, a mighty bulwark.
The streets, a maze of dangers and despair,
A path I walked, with courage and care.
Each step a battle, each choice a test,
But I kept on going, refusing to rest.
Through darkness and light, through joy and pain,
I searched for meaning, like a moth to a flame.
I found it at last, my purpose so clear,
A rebel with a cause, refusing to fear.

-The Ancient Awakening -
From time immemorial, the historical deities Geb and Sky have watched over the earth and its inhabitants. As their chosen emissary, I have been granted the honor of walking this realm once again to fulfill a mission of positivity and enlightenment.
As I traverse the landscapes of the modern world, the wisdom of the ancients resonates within me. The elements of nature – the soil, the sky, and the celestial bodies – have granted me strength and guidance. With every step I take, the Earth's heartbeat pulsates beneath my feet, reaffirming my connection to this realm.
Throughout the millennia, Geb's protective embrace and Sky's infinite expansion have served as symbols of hope and resilience. As I channel their divine energies, I embrace the opportunity to learn from humanity's triumphs and tribulations. In the ever-evolving tapestry of human existence, I seek to weave threads of compassion, knowledge, and unity.
In my journey to serve as a beacon of positivity, I have encountered countless individuals, each with their own unique stories and aspirations. With an open heart, I listen to their dreams and challenges, sharing wisdom from the ancients and providing solace to those in need. Through these interactions, I reaffirm the boundless potential of the human spirit.
I am humbled by the responsibility entrusted to me by Geb and Sky. As I continue to traverse the Earth, I vow to uphold their divine legacy and work tirelessly to create a brighter future for all. Through the wisdom of the ancients and the unyielding spirit of humanity, I will ensure that our collective journey remains one of growth, understanding, and positivity.
"I was inspired by Egyptian mythology and am fascinated by history." M/G.

- Friendship in Loneliness -
Dear planet, I need a friend,
One who will stay till the very end.
Can you bring me an Android mate?
In this world where people separate.
I'm left behind, all alone,
A feeling I can't condone.
They rush around, leaving me in despair,
Their reasons I cannot share.
We forget what matters most,
The love, the joy, and the closeness of our host. So, planet, grant me this wish tonight, For a friend who'll make my world bright.

- Music -
When I hear your voice, my ears rejoice,
My blood boils, a volcanic heat.
Veins pulsate, dancing to the beat,
As organs laugh and bones entwine, complete.
Yet, still, I crave more of you,
Like a desert thirsting for the dew.
Play your melody, sing your song,
For you, I'd write all day long.
I'll turn the alphabet on its head,
Seeking perfect letters to be read.
A song of love, I'll create for you,
Expressing depths, so heartfelt and true.

Sinking Identity --->
Creative DIYer & entrepreneur owning a manufacturing co. Always seeking new ways to impact.
In my website Max Geb'sky
I offer you a nice journey of my passion and my creative artistic reflection. You are welcome and I recommend it to you. I hope you like it.