- Citizen -
To be or not to be, I have no choice,
A winding road before me, I hear a gentle voice,
Eternal knowledge guides me, my inner compass true,
Navigating life's challenges, both past and new.
Each step I take, a dance between choice and fate,
Learning, growing, as I navigate through life's gate,
Onward I press, refusing to accept defeat,
Embracing each moment, the bitter and the sweet.
As the road comes to its inevitable close,
I face the final challenge, the ultimate dose,
With humility and grace, I hope to transcend,
Leaving behind a legacy, a positive trend.
To be a beacon of hope, for those who'll come to see,
This, the essence of life, is my destiny,
To live with purpose, and inspire along the way,
For in the end, it's how we live that echoes through the fray.

Art's & Poem's

- Fame -
My life escaped me as I chased a dream,
Longing for the fame of stage and screen.
Touched by the mass media day and night,
Hounded by paparazzi's flashing lights.
Journalists like savage hyenas,
Their ruthless questions seeking to please.
They'll do whatever it takes for a piece of you, Relentless in their quest to pursue.
I have no regrets, or so I say.
Yet, I mourn the years that slipped away.
Fragrant gardens left unexplored,
Friendships lost, their memories stored.
Bonfires on the beach, a fading past,
Socks with holes, reminders that last.
Discovering love, uncharted territory,
Calm sea winds, and wisdom from an oratory.
Mountain treks and highways left to roam,
Dreams of rainbows, balloons, and a journey home.
In my dreams, I touch the sky,
Swim with sharks and dare to fly.
Doing things I never had time for,
My heart aches for a life worth living more.

- Confrontation with Yourself -
True growth comes from within, for the greatest challenge lies not in the obstacles around us, but in the depths of our own hearts and minds. To confront yourself is to face your fears, acknowledge your weaknesses, and embrace your strengths. In this confrontation, you will discover the resilience, courage, and wisdom that has been within you all along. Embrace the journey of self-discovery, for the greatest treasure awaits those who dare to delve deep within themselves.

- The Honeyed Garden of Love -
Love, like honey, is a treasure sweet,
But it takes work to keep it fresh and neat.
Just as bees must labor for their prize,
We must tend to love with care and wisely.
It's not enough to simply take and sip,
We must also give and nurture, lest it slip.
For like a garden, love needs room to grow,
And only with care, its beauty will show.
So let us not forget to tend our love,
And cherish it as a gift from above.
For like the bees, we'll find our joy and prize,
In the sweetness of love, that never dies.

- Victory -
It's not about value,
But the will to change and redefine.
I construct myself, one brick at a time,
Seeking perfection, and the road that's mine.
Over time, my path shall unfold,
My thoughts, a journey to salvation.
Each step I take, a chance to grow,
Embracing the future, and all that's in tow.

- The Quest for Love -
In life, I've sought one thing above all,
A longing that echoes in my soul's hall.
To be loved, embraced, and held so dear,
A feeling that casts away all fear.
This love I speak of, is not just a fling,
But a connection, a bond that makes my heart sing.
A comfort, a warmth, a safety net,
A love that's true, and I won't forget.
I've walked this earth, searching high and low,
For a love that's pure, and helps me grow.
For in this love, I find my true worth,
A treasure beyond measure, that's brought to earth.
So I continue on, with hope and grace,
In search of love, in every place.
For in the end, it's love that sets me free,
And fills my life, with a beautiful symphony.

- A Surfer of the Imagination -
Oh, life is so long and the planet so big that it seems there is not enough time to learn everything. Learning so many Aboriginal languages is still not enough. Sailing across the entire ocean is still not enough to keep up with you for a moment. Staying in one place is also not easy, away from the hyenas that drool on your ankle. Climbing the highest mountains and hearing your own echo at the top is also a challenge. Flying with the wind would be an adventure, and never getting stuck in the air. Even if the storm and rain tore me apart, it would still be an interesting adventure. Let me guess, it's just my imagination where I surf in my mind.

- The Orphan's Tale -
I am an orphan, the street is my home, My umbrella, a shield against the unknown. I've weathered storms, and faced the rain, With resilience, I stand, and strive again. The hardships I've endured, a story to tell, Of a journey that's shaped, a strength to excel.
No family to lean on, no warmth of a nest, Yet, I rise each day, with hope in my chest. For though my path may be different than most, I find my own way, and the strength to coast.
An orphan, yes, but never alone, My inner compass, a light that I've known. I'll wear the storms, like a badge of pride, The street my ally, and my guide. For every challenge I've had to bear, Has forged a resilience, beyond compare.

- Galactic Love -
In the vast expanse beyond our skies,
A cosmonau, alone, did rise.
Amidst the stars, a chance surprise,
An alien form before their eyes.
In hearts that yearned to be as one,
Love bloomed, beneath a distant sun.
Embraced in passion, so divine,
The love that dared to cross the line.
Two souls entwined, against all odds,
Defying all the cosmic gods.
For love transcends all space and time,
In a tale that spans the cosmic clime.

- Muse -
If I were a part of an instrument, let's say a guitar string, I would transform my thoughts and poems into melodies. These melodies would take you on a journey through the landscapes of my mind. The music would heal wounds and bring peace to listeners wherever they are. Each verse would weave its own destiny, forming songs filled with faith and unique messages. In this symphony of life, the primary focus would not be on material wealth and superficial appearances, but on something more profound and meaningful.

- Ode to the Creator -
Nectar of life flows through my veins, My heart the guiding force of my feelings. A fascinating mind constantly surprises, To see myself and beyond, an exclusive reflection. Silence beyond sound, a blissful delight, My feet wander, leading me to all and none. I reach out my hand to you, A creation of yours, whoever you may be.

- The Dance of Darkness and Dawn -
As shadows fade and sleep descends, My light within begins to rend. Through weakness, strength my soul friends, love's warmth my heart with joy amendments.
In silence, self-discovery grows, Through daylight's gifts, my purpose shows. Yet when the night my shadow throws, My dreams reveal what no one knows.
Each day I conquer, learn, and thrive, With every night, in dreams, I dive. This dance of life, both dark and bright, Unlocks the beauty of my duty.

- The Heart of the Blog -
In our chests, our hearts beat with emotion, Yet sometimes, the world seems cold and broken.
Fear not, for there exists another beacon,
A place where hearts connect and love is woven. A blog, a space of words and untold stories, Unites kindred souls in their journeys.
Here, strangers become friends in the making, Finding strength, compassion, and solace in the sharing. Through tales of joy, of loss, and of strife, We learn that life's struggles are a common plight.
Our little corner of the world grows warmer, As empathy, understanding, and kindness conquer. In the ebb and flow of life's vast ocean, Remember, there's always a blog's devotion.
A heart that beats with passion and light, To guide us through the darkest night. So seek that little heart, and you shall see, A world full of love, hope, and unity. Let the heart of the blog be our reminder, That with each other, we can make life kinder.

- The Moonwalker's Lament -
Once upon a time, I had a dream,
To walk the moon and make it gleam.
I'd give each soul a shining star,
Dress in brocade, and shine from afar.
Limousines and courtesans would wait,
Moulin Rouge, a stage of fate.
Millions of fans would gather near,
My hocus-pocus, the world to steer.
Diamonds, jewels, and fame I sought,
For all these things, my soul was caught.
These were my dreams, a youthful fire,
Chasing desires, ever higher.
But with the passage of many years,
A truth emerged, through joy and tears.
To simply be a human, that's the key,
And above all else, just to be me.

- United in Dreams -
Beneath the canopy of the cosmos, we stand entwined, Two souls, one spirit, our hearts and dreams aligned.
With gentle hands and a bond so true,
I reach for you, our connection to pursue.
Carousels of memories dance within our minds, Fragments of laughter and love, the sweetest kind.
I am not ashamed of who we are; together we can soar,
Dreaming of paradise, there's so much to explore.
Sipping nectar of the gods beneath a golden sky, We wade through liquid sunshine as the hours drift by. A glittering world of luxury, our temporary abode,
Silence encroaches, emptiness invades our ode.
Tears glisten, falling like diamonds from our eyes, In each one, a prism of hope, a truth that never dies.
For the beauty of our souls shines on, undeterred,
As we embrace this life and all the dreams we've deferred.

Any journey that doesn't destroy you makes you stronger

Surfing in my mind --->
- Mountainside Dreams -
Somewhere in the distance,
you're thinking about me.
And I don't know where I am either.
You send me a letter from afar.
And there is no postman.
Deep love and longing,
you for me, and I for you.
After rain comes a rainbow,
and i think about you.
On the mountainside,
I will shout your name,
hoping that the echo will find you.
Years pass,
and I still miss you.
- My Dream -
I have a dream, one day I'll see, A word unites in harmony, Where every heart knows love's embrace, And peace and kindness light each face. I have a dream, one day I'll stand, Upon a mountaintop, with a helping hand, extend it to all who need a friend, And find true joy in love's ascend. I have a dream, one day I'll hear, The laughter of children, loud and clear, In fields of green, beneath blue skies, As dreams take flight, and spirits rise. This dream I hold, close to my heart, And work each day, to play my part, To make this world a brighter place, And see my dream, in life's embrace.